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       価格 1,980円(税込)
 楽譜作成ソフトScore Grapher Lite
       価格 4,980円(税込)
 楽譜作成ソフトScore Grapher Pro
       価格 23,800円(税込)
Massa's in de cold ground - フォスター

Massa's in de cold ground

Stephen Collins Foster
(1826.7.4 - 1864.1.13)

Massa's in de cold ground
Stephen Collins Foster

  Round de meadows am a-ringing
  De dark-eyes' mournful song,
  While de mocking bird am singing,
  Happy as de day am long.
  Where de ivy am a-creeping,
  O'er de grassy mound,
  Dare old massa am a-sleeping,
  Sleeping in de cold, cold ground.

  Down in de cornfield
  Hear dat mournful sound:
  All de dark-eyes am a-weeping
  Massa's in de cold, cold ground.

  When de autumn leaves were falling,
  When de days were cold,
  'Twas hard to hear old massa calling,
  Cayse he was so weak and old.
  Now de orange trees am blooming
  On de sandy shore,
  Now de summer days am coming,
  Massa nebber calls no more.

  Massa make de dark-eyes love him,
  Cayse he was so kind,
  Now, dey sadly weep above him,
  Mourning cayse he leave dem behind.
  I cannot work before tomorrow,
  Cayse de teardrop flow,
  I try to drive away my sorrow,
  Pickin' on de old banjo.

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OH! SUSANNA. - スティーブン・フォスター
Massa's in de cold ground - フォスター
Hard times come again no more - フォスター
Willie we have missed you - フォスター
Jeanie with the light brown hair - フォスター
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Camptown races - スティーブン・フォスター
I Love Little Pussy (イギリス)
Simple Simon. (イギリス)
Maggie's Pet. (イギリス)
Ding, Dong, Bell. (イギリス)
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Three Little Mice. (イギリス)
ちょうちょう ‐ 野村秋足/ドイツ民謡
French Cradlle Song (フランス)
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The Midshipmite (イギリス)
Eskimo (アメリカ)
Dolly and her Mamma (イギリス)
King Arthur (イギリス)
The Child and the Star. (イギリス)
The North Wind Doth Blow. (イギリス)
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Hot Cross Buns! (イギリス)
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Now the Day is Over (イギリス)
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