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 楽譜作成ソフトScore Grapher Lite
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       価格 23,800円(税込)
Rory O'Moore - サミュエル・ラバー

Rory O'Moore

作詞・作曲 サミュエル・ラバー
Samuel Lover
(1797.2.24 - 1868.7.6)

Rory O'Moore
Samuel Lover

  Young Rory O' Moore courted
  Kathaleen brown,
  He was bold as a hawk, and she,
  soft as the dawn,
  He wish'd in his heart pretty
  Kathleen to please,
  And he thought the best way
  to do that was to tease;
  "Now Rory by aisy" sweet
  Kathleen would cry,
  Reproof on her lip but a smile
  in her eye,
  With your tricks I don't know,
  in troth, what im about,
  Faith, you've teazed till
  I've put on my cloak inside out,
  "Oh! Jewel" says "Rory",
  that same is the way
  You've thrated my heart for
  this many a day,
  And 'tis plazed that I am,
  and why not to be sure,
  For 'tis all for good luck says
  bold Rory O' Moore.

  "Indeed then" says Kathleen
  "don't think of the like
  For I half gave a promise
  to soothering Mike
  The ground that I walk on he loves,
  I'll be bound"
  "Faith" says Rory,
  "I'd rather love you than the ground"
  "Now Rory, I'll cry,
  if you don't let me go,
  Sure I dream every night that
  I'm hating you so!"
  "Oh!" says Rory
  "that same I'm delighted to hear,
  For dhrames always go
  by conthrairies my dear;
  Oh! Jewel, keep dreaming
  that same till you die,
  And bright morning will give
  dirty night the black lie,
  And 'tis pleased that I am,
  and why not to be sure
  Since 'tis all for good luck,"
  says bold Rory O'Moore.

  Arrah Kathleen my darling
  you've teas'd me enough,
  And I've thrash'd for your sake Dinny
  Grimes and Jim Duff,
  And I've made myself drinking
  your health quite a baste,
  So I think, after that,
  I may talk to the Priest:*
  Then Rory, the rogue,
  stole his arm round her neck,
  So soft and so white,
  without freckle or speck
  And he look'd in her eyes
  that were beaming with light,
  And he kiss'd her sweet lips_
  don't you think he was right?
  "Now Rory leave off Sir_ you'll
  hug me no more,
  That's eight times to day
  that you've kiss'd me befoire;"
  "Then here goes another" says he
  "to make sure
  For there's luck to odd numbers"
  says Rory O' Moore.


Rory O'Moore - サミュエル・ラバー
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (アメリカ)
THE SILVER HORN. - ヘンリー・クレイ・ワーク
Sequel to "Grandfather's clock"(続 大きな古時計)
Nelly Was a Lady - スティーブン・フォスター
Humpty Dumpty (イギリス)
ちょうちょう ‐ 野村秋足/ドイツ民謡
Twinkle,Little Star. (イギリス)
The Eskimo Hunter
Joy to the World ‐ ワッツ/ヘンデル
We Three Kings of Orient Are (アメリカ)
Beautiful Dreamer. - スティーブン・フォスター
The Skylark (スウェーデン)
Tom, Tom Piper's Son. (イギリス)
The Child and the Star. (イギリス)
I had a Little Doggy (イギリス)
Simple Simon. (イギリス)
Little Tommy Tucker. (イギリス)
Maggie's Pet. (イギリス)
Ding, Dong, Bell. (イギリス)
Three Little Mice. (イギリス)
Goosey, Goosey Gander. (イギリス)
French Cradlle Song (フランス)
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep. (イギリス)
Is John Smith Within? (イギリス)
Eskimo (アメリカ)
Dolly and her Mamma (イギリス)
I Love Little Pussy (イギリス)
King Arthur (イギリス)
The North Wind Doth Blow. (イギリス)
Hot Cross Buns! (イギリス)
The Happy Farmer シューマン
Now the Day is Over (イギリス)
The Midshipmite (イギリス)
The Three Crows. (イギリス)
Tell Me Pray (シレジア)
Can a Little Child, Like Me? (アメリカ)
Where are You Going, My Pretty Maid (イギリス)
A Merry Heart --- オクスフォード/デンツァ
Softly Now the Light of Day
Work, for the Night is Coming
Oh, Dear! What Can the Matter be? (イギリス)
Annie Laurie (スコットランド)
The Little Dustman
Will You Walk a Little Faster? (イギリス)
When Johnny Comes Marching Home (アメリカ)
October's Party (イギリス)
Skye Boat Song (スコットランド)
Old Gaelic Lullaby (イギリス)
The Nurse's Song (イギリス)
Mother Dear (ノルウェー)
The Cuckoo (ドイツ)
German Cradle Song (ドイツ)
My Mother's Bible モーリス/ラッセル
I See You (スウェーデン)
At the Dance (フィンランド)
The Frost (ロシア)
The Minstrel Boy (アイルランド)
Cradle Hymn (ドイツ)
The Three Little Pigs (イギリス)